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Leonard Hatred 2:52 Tue Jun 28
People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Talk to me.

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Eerie Descent 10:55 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Matthew Holmes 10:24 Fri Jul 1

Shut up you old tart

Briano 10:47 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Thames Barrier early 80’s, we had an objectionable cock of a site engineer.

We had to radio the Lighterman to pick up on North side and takes us to the Pier we were working on, as he climbed down the cat ladder he dropped his Canon SLR straight into the drink

only1billybonds 10:37 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
My colleague and me had a bit of a ding dong at a site yesterday.

Got home and told her to cook her own fucking dinner.

Lee Trundle 10:35 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Matthew Holmes 10:24 Fri Jul 1

Pretty funny that. You coming to the defence of ray and then saying "You all have different opinions and that's ok."

Leonard Hatred 10:31 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you

There should be more peace, love and understanding on this forum.

After all, the world is one big old melting pot.

Matthew Holmes 10:24 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Why are some posters Ray baiting?

The equivalent of playground bullying. Grow up.
You all have different opinions and that's ok.

isolated hammer 10:18 Fri Jul 1
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
I have just quit a job due to a complete breakdown in communication with a colleague. He undermined me in front of subcontractors and basically ignored me the whole day. We both had a very difficult task and should have been pulling in the same direction. We were Poles apart. So I thought, fuck you you cunt. And walked off site. I was gone nearly two hours before he realised I wasn't on site. I was told by my boss to get back on site or fuck off. I said I will fuck off then. Then came two minutes of vitrioloic tirades, which I had had before. Best thing I did was get out of there.

New Jersey 10:59 Thu Jun 30
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
My previous boss was a pompous oaf who went to Cambridge and by fuck didn't we know, wasn't great at his job really and fooking glad he retired.

joe royal 9:18 Thu Jun 30
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Travel, overrated. Never do it myself.

Mike Oxsaw 7:21 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you

Interesting concept. Must try it some time.

Side of Ham 7:17 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Because Raaaaaay you prefer to have a go at the indigenous folk that may not have travelled much over those that have travelled to get here and have a bigger problem with being bigoted, backward & having skewed thinking......do you know why?.....because they want to keep their culture....that is often the biggest reason to be they way they are......they don't want to change anything and are willing to live as a community within a community to do so even though they've travelled here to do so.

master 7:14 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Rays talking about the brown people who pray on Fridays.

ray winstone 7:07 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Ham, how do you conclude that I hate my country? I quite dislike some of the people that reside here, with their backward, bigoted and skewed thinking but apart from that, I'd wave a flag when the old girl pegs it.

Side of Ham 6:40 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Raaaaaay, you do know some of the cultures introduced to this country are the most insular & backward thinking of all? And they've done a fair bit of travelling.......this is what causes the major rifts at times......why do you hate your own country so much?

ray winstone 6:30 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Mike Oxsaw 6:04 Wed Jun 29

Maybe if a few more posters on here had travelled a bit and sucked on the marrow of life they might not be so insular and backward thinking.

ray winstone 6:28 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
BRANDED 6:14 Wed Jun 29

My humble apologies, I'm happy you took time out to correct me, must be a slow day on here.....

BRANDED 6:14 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Nth degree

MrTrentReznor 6:10 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
I have noticed a trend in sales people in previous employments.
For some reason they seem to think that it is acceptable meeting etiquette to play imaginary golf.
There are other people sitting at the meeting room table & the sales guy is in the corner lining up a chimerical putt & does a number of 'practice' putts before the real imaginary one.
He doesn't finish at that. He goes onto the next green & the one after & in the duration of a 30min meeting the golfist could have putted his way around St.Andrews.
I have also been in a meeting where the sales man has been in to bat, but typically they play golf.

I think it would make a great sketch on a comedy show if everyone in a meeting started miming their own passtimes, ie someone is golfing, another is rowing, someone is fencing etc & then finally one of them starts miming knocking one out. When he is asked what the fuck he is doing he says he is either into porn or is a voyeur.

Mike Oxsaw 6:04 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Ray has a Greek connection?

He's kept that quiet...

Eerie Descent 5:57 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
"Strange people the old Bubble's, like Cough said, very vocal but pussies when it comes to the crunch."

Now makes sense why you enjoyed living there so much, Ray.

ray winstone 5:55 Wed Jun 29
Re: People you work with who you don't like/don't like you
Strange people the old Bubble's, like Cough said, very vocal but pussies when it comes to the crunch.
Always found them very conscientious and great colleagues, just don't speak about football, they'll have you thinking that Olympiakos/Panathinaitkos are the best teams in Europe, deluded to the enth degree.

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